We are looking forward to the development of our new drop off area as shown in our masterplan below.
This project was delayed due to the need for extra funding relating to the upgrading of Reaney Street. This process should be finalised by the end of the month.
All going well, the project will go to tender in March.
In Stage 1 the following area will be sealed, with granite used for the rest of the drop off area.
We are in the process of lodging an application for Stage 2 and 3 funding, which will seal the entire area as shown.
In the meantime, we are very grateful for the patience of the community with the congestion we are experiencing on Schoolhouse Street and Reaney Street.
Our new Stage 1 of our new Primary buildings will go to tender in March as well, and this will be completed before the end of the year.
Our Primary classes will certainly appreciate larger classrooms and outdoor learning areas.
We are also in the process of applying for the development of Primary Stage 2 and a Design Lab for Secondary.
If this is approved, it would be constructed in 2024. This would enable us to have a separate class for each of the Primary year levels, and allow students to do far more in Design than they are currently able to.
I look forward to keeping you updated with respect to these projects throughout the year.